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Old 05-27-2016, 09:40 PM   #55 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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One thing I have learned with my Honda Insight more then ever is to look way ahead. The same goes with road racing etc. The Insight is a car that you really notice everything when it comes to traffic flow and aero drafting etc.

A great lesson a good friend gave me is to "control the controlables".
So in a case where I come up on a type of driver that your describing I will hopefully see them far enough ahead that it will not disrupt my fuel mileage(no braking).

Then when I get closer behind them I will get in the slower lane and give plenty of room to the people that will be fighting this driver until they eventually move over to the slow lane where then I can pass legally and safely.

One other question to you is how much on the average are you seeing in a loss of watt efficiency when you come across someone is this situation? I would think it would amount to very little? I'm not sure because I don't have a EV but with my Insight based on a high 600miles per tank I don't even think it would be a loss of .5 gallon mpg???
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