Another worthless anecdote; 2 of the fastest drivers I know have extremely poor throttle control. While "steady" cruising, they hammer on the throttle, the transmission downshifts, the car gains 10-15 MPH, and then they completely let off, coasting back down 10-15 MPH.
On one occasion where I was driving with said erratic driver, it began to rain. My friend advised me to turn off cruise so that I don't loose control when the car hydroplanes. I had to tell him 3 times that I had been maintaining speed manually the entire time. He just couldn't believe it was possible to maintain speed without cruise.
Both of these people have never owned a vehicle with a "good" transmission. Guess transmissions aren't built for a lifetime of on/off throttle operation.
I don't know if this ridiculous thread is aimed at slow drivers, or just inattentive drivers. One thing I notice is that slow drivers, while annoying, tend to be attentive. They are generally good at maintaining their slow speed. Those speed demons are the ones causing ripples by constantly changing lanes, altering their speed, and forcing other drivers to react defensively.