Originally Posted by Bror Jace
wonderworm,  Instead of making assumptions about me, you could have asked for clarification ...
Uhh, did you read the very first sentence of my first post? I did ask for clarification:
Originally Posted by wonderworm
"Bror, just why is it "just not an option for you?"
What I find interesting is that many evangelicals have been moving to Obama because he more closely represents their true family values while McCain represents a man who rewarded his wife, who loyally and steadfastly waited for him for years to be rescued from a POW camp, by committing adultery and later leaving her after she became injured herself in a car accident. Plus the fact that McCain has publicly called his current wife a vile curse word in public also shows he does not reflect the values and respect that marriage entails.
And I am for limited government too, but it has been the Republicans who have increased the size of the government by a staggering 60% since Bush took office and broke yearly deficit records (over 750Billion deficit this year alone!). Obama will create millions of new renewable energy jobs and end the wars and deficit spending that is killing our dollar and our economy. If a Ron Paul guy can give Obama a chance to make things better, then a Heritage guy can too. So let's join forces and let the guy have a shot. Because without voting Barack, one thing is guaranteed, we will be getting much much more of the same last 8 years and that would really suck.