Thread: Rotten Passat
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Old 06-15-2016, 02:02 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dfeldt91 View Post
To the two who joked about tossing the engine: Figured people on a forum for saving fuel would be all over, or at least receptive to, the idea of weight reduction to save fuel. The jokes aren't necessary nor funny. Save your effort a bit longer and make it worth it with some real posts...
Dude, chill. It's the internet. You put all this on this forum, you're going to get commentary. Whether you like it or not, that isn't up to you - you don't get to say how people react to your posts, you only get to determine whether you post them.

If you step back and look at your process objectively, it looks pretty extreme. If someone gives it an absurd twist to make a joke, take that as the compliment it is. They read what you wrote, and acknowledge that you are running where few have walked. No need to get thin skinned about it.

I saw mention of a roll cage on your first post. Are planning on tracking your minimalist Passat, or what is the cage about? Otherwise that's putting weight back in in direct contradiction to your reduction goals.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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