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Old 08-07-2008, 11:16 AM   #13 (permalink)
Mechanical Engineer
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Richmond, VA
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The Truck - '02 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Sport
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GoKart - '14 Hyundai Elantra GT base 6MT
90 day: 30.38 mpg (US)

Godzilla - '21 Ford F350 XL
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For a racer to ecodrive on the street my favorite technique is high-g cornering. Basically just don't slow down for a turn any more than you have to as it minimizes fuel consumed to resume cruising speed after the turn. I regularly enter marked 25mph uphill cloverleaf exit ramps at 55-60 and let the tires squeal as needed as the turn and the elevation change slow me down to the new road's 45mph limit. There's another ramp that's a 20mph-posted downhill 2-lane S'd exit/entry that I enter and exit at 55 and use a bit of the other lane or shoulder if I can. I like to gain speed on this ramp because it's downhill but dumps you out at the bottom of a hill on the new road.

So yes, passing technique to take advantage of high-g cornering and setting the corner up for a fast/smooth exit are excellent racing techniques to use on the street. I also like drafting but lots of folks (even here) get their panties in a wad over that.
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