Thread: Best oil ever
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Old 07-06-2016, 04:49 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
I think it's pretty clear that guy gets his retirement checks from Mobile Oil... if not his non-retirement checks
I personally by whatever semi-synthetic is on sale. Most recently $25 for 5 quarts of Valvoline high mileage semi-syn and a Wix filter. Good to go.
I'm not a chemist, but I used to change oil at Valvoline, avoid their semi synthetics like the plague. The semi sludges faster than anything, and the full is about 30% synthetic.
On the little Valvoline charts, their conventional does as well as the semi synthetic, and the full doesn't do much better.
They make GREAT transmission fluid and racing oil. But holy crap don'tt use their semi synthetics.

You can SMELL, Valvoline semi synthetic. As crude and unscientific as my claim, you notice a "smell" from cars that haven't had their oil changed for 8-15k miles. The max life semi would get that smell earlier than any other we saw. All of the employees with fords complained of valve train noise, and others would complain about the extreme oil consumption.

The corporate managers would make a big deal to use the semi in their cars, because they knew ALL of the employees had suspicions of the semi synthetic. Not saying oil techs are geniuses but we've drained the oil out of thousands of cars, and we know what we saw lol. I use Valvoline oils, but NOT the semi synthetic maxlife.

I want to sayy the Valvoline evaporation point for some of its additives etc is about 30-50°f lower than other brands, and that was the main factor. But there were a couple good points to it too. But overall, the bad points of the oil were too bad to ignore.

Valvoline makes good stuff, their racing oil is great, and their conventional is arguably the best conventional. The semi synthetic is a slyly worded profit game. Pennzoil makes a good semi synthetic, and platinum is good from what I remember. I don't hate Valvoline, just the maxlife.

Last edited by ChillyBear; 07-06-2016 at 04:56 PM..
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