I have yet to see another vehicle with any kind of aeromods or MPG postings, but my little Metro gets all kinds of feathers rustled when they see the "57MPG" in the back window. Just today I was at a light and this old 1994-1997 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 gets behind me and then he starts revving his engine. The light turns green and apperently, I was not accelerating fast enough for him so he floored the gas and held it there all the way around me and all the way to the top of the 1/2 mile long hill blowing black smoke from his exhaust.
The next light about a mile past the hill opens to a 2 lane and since I had the light timed, I blew past him at 50 MPH as the light turned green while he was stopped at the light. I then could hear him punch the gas to the floor again squealing the tires and bellowing more black smoke from the poor Dodge. I turned at the next crossroad and he never did catch up by time I left the main road.
He probably never got the hint.
GeoMetroforum.com - got mpg?