Originally Posted by RustyLugNut
. . . thus you attack the messenger. Really nice of you. Keep spending your energies here. I am not going away based on a few threatening personalities.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! !!
We demand you provide proof of your ridiculous claims, and you think we're "threatening!" How asinine!
Originally Posted by RustyLugNut
I do get numerous emails and IM's supporting my position. YOU are certainly not speaking for the rest of the forum.
And neither are YOU.
Originally Posted by RustyLugNut
And I spend my Saturday's tutoring students in science and math. It is something I have always felt strongly about and thus spend my time supporting. This weekend was elementary age and some middle school. Science and math go hand in hand and catching them young can spark their desire and intellect.
I then spent my Sunday supporting the Homeless Veterans Stand Down here in San Diego. Our homeless vets suffer severely even with the local killer now in custody.
So..... you disappeared to do relatively low-stress activities, like brainwashin-, er,
tutoring students in science and math, or some homeless veteran charity thing.
However, you posted a bunch of crap two years ago, in an attempt to prove your point about HHO not being taken seriously, while at the same time you were engaged in an activity with a somewhat higher level of stress (namely, HELPING to take care of your terminally ill father).
Oh, okay. Seems legit to me.