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Old 07-31-2016, 02:05 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
In the future where cars are safe enough that I can pay no attention,...
OK, if you want to get into fantasy :-)

Besides, we'll all be arriving at our destinations much sooner when congestion is alleviated by autonomous driving.
Wrong, for two reasons. First, given the use cases Musk and others talk about, you'll have more (sub)urban congestion, because after dropping you off, your autonomous vehicle will be cruising empty to pick up another passenger.

Second, congestion is really only a problem in said (sub)urban areas, and then only some of them, some of the time. Out here in the real world, 'congestion' is some tourist ignoring the "Slow traffic must use turnouts" signs.

Insurance is still necessary regardless of the confidence in autopilot. What if an uninsured motorist hits you? Insurance isn't just liability in case you screw up...
Yes, insurance IS liability in case we screw up, at least for those of us who buy vehicles we can afford, instead of financing them.

What does deep pockets have to do with responsibility?
Deep pockets has to do with who gets sued, and who wins jury verdicts.

Regardless, Tesla never said the feature is to encourage inattention to driving...
Perhaps they have not come out and said that, straight out, for legal reasons. However, their marketing, naming, and Musk's remarks would certainly give a reasonable person that impression.
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