3-20%....People get those variations over normal driving.
We have beaten HHO to death and have come to the conclusion that there is no way possible for it to work. The numbers never support it, it takes too much electricity to produce the gas even under ideal circumstances, it fails to produce any where close to a break-even energy gain. HHO Proponents rely on the fallacy that a tiny amount of hydrogen will somehow react with the fuel to create a disproportionate increase in power through some mumbo jumbo reaction that only occurs from the hydrogen created by the HHO generator. It has never been explained how, no independent documentation or research papers have been referenced, It's always a "Trust Me, This is how it works" thing.
So, unless you can explain how you can produce a lot of hydrogen and explain how the tiny addition of hydrogen to the gasoline creates an appreciable gain in power, beyond the power used to create it, you may wanna end this talk about how HHO can improve MPG.