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Old 08-09-2008, 01:42 AM   #202 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Maricopa, AZ (sort of. Actually outside of town)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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I need to take pictures. This is stupid and boring without pictures. I made the board that holds the power electronics. Actually a tree made the board. I just cut it and stuck some stuff on it. put the battery box in the car, but the wouldn't open in the car, so I had to cut "vent strips" on the left and right of the box top. haha! I was wanting to do that anyway! haha. I had a job interview today. It's a 7th grade math position. Finally, an opportunity to use all that math I learned. I think I'll be teaching 7th grade Lebesgue Integration, and 8th grade non-linear ODE's. hehe. Either that or I'll just be telling kids to be quiet a lot.

The precharge resistor circuit is going to be a normally off switch. I'll just depress it for a couple seconds to charge the controller's capacitors through a 40 watt 2.5 ohm resistor. Turning the car on will be done by an on/off switch that I got from our old vacuum cleaner. Turning the key will be sort of worthless. I like clean simplicity. The on/off switch will be in a secret location, so if an hotwiring expert comes to steal it, they won't be able to get away with it. haha! I tested the on/off today. That contactor sounds rather violent, especially the off sequence. It can brake 2000 amps though, so I guess it should sound violent. The stupid PB-6 throttle is still not here. OOH that makes me so mad. I ordered 16 high current lugs. That crap better get here soon. School is starting in a few weeks, and I want the pimp mobile ready. None of the electrical stuff is working. I really only want the blinkers, headlights, and brake lights. Isn't everything else just worthless fancy stuff?

SurvivorMan is on. He's eating roast Boobie, the bird. (in fact he's eating the boobie's breast. haha! It's true.)

I talked to a Pizza Delivery guy today. He drives like 150 miles a day, so my 25 mile EV will be perfect for him. What?

Things to do:

Waterproof the boundaries of the back window, since it leaks, and I got a friggin controller in there now. How do you waterproof a back window, without getting a new black thing. Can you just put weird calking around the edges?

Buy ring terminals that can fit over the stupid batteries' positive big terminals.

Put the batteries in. Cut the 2 gauge cable and strip a bit off the ends and crimp the high current lugs onto the cable.

Put in the throttle. It's going inside with all the other stuff in back.

Drill a hole to the motor to run the cables.

Drive away.
kits and boards
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