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Old 09-16-2016, 01:03 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by paconassa View Post
Large back opening is a BS excuse from GM and here's why: Mercedes Bionic - 0.19 Cd
There is a HUGE difference between the two that you are overlooking.
  • The Bionic was a show car, a styling exercise never meant for production.
  • The Bolt is a production car that needs to sell tens of thousands of units per year.

GM very specifically decided to make the Bolt a conventional looking car so that it would appeal to the largest segment of the population. They basically took the benchmark leader of the segment (Honda Fit) and made it 350% more fuel efficient by making it a electric car. Could they have made it 10-20% more efficient by using a polarizing aero design like the Bionic? Yes, but they are in the business to sell cars.
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