Originally Posted by Isaac Zackary
So the experiment would be to add a tank with water, electrodes, electrolytes and such to produce hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis in order aid combustion in order to run an ajustable air/fuel ratio carburetor so that very lean, low power air/fuel ratios can be attained and the throttle, for the most part, be left wide open.
Where will the electricity come from to power the electrolysis.
Originally Posted by Isaac Zackary
Well, this was just an idea that passed through my head. No idea if it would work or not.
It won't. HHO is the equivalent of putting a wind turbine on top of your car to generate electricity to power the car.
In the case of HHO you are burning gasoline in a engine at 25% - 30% efficiency, to power an alternator and generate electricity at about 40-50% efficiency, to create hydrogen to burn in the car.