I think you are wrong about the Elio. They lobbied because they knew they, with their potential volumes, could do it, while other smaller companies could not. It's why Walmart is for an increase in minimum wages. I also think you are wrong about the rules changing. Nobody has mass produced a 3 wheel in all standards, car, in the US. So put 100,000 of them on the road and 2 cute 16 year Olds are going to get massively squashed in one. Then will come the lawsuits, what do you mean it wasn't a car and didn't have to meet crash standards? Then the calls to Congress, you have to do something! Then the politician, if we can save just one child's life..
If Elio really wanted their product to be a car they could throw an axle on the back and 2 wheels. They made it 3 wheels to skirt the rules plain and simple. Heck, as you pointed out, it would sell better as a 4 wheeler and that would add very little cost.