478.7 miles, 12.559 gallons, 38.12 mpg!
Almost all highway driving this tank enabled me to get 38.1 mpg! Woot! That 40 mpg tank goal doesn't seem as ridiculous now. My Scangauge was 4% pessimistic this time.
I found some more ground points and gave the usual treatment. One was a fuel injector/ignition coil ground, so i'm hoping for some improvement there. I sanded the alternator ground, and experienced why I hate electricity while trying to tighten the nut. (hint: sparks) Last one was a ground tucked down by the power steering reservoir, yet another painted ground point
. It could be for the headlights, ABS motor, or the windshield washer motor, I really don't know.
I'm going to see if I can remember to measure the belt length for a P/S delete, so I can get started on the delete.