Yes, that was certainly an important but undocumented missed step!
Some good news: Ivan opened up the sister motor and it looks like the wiring to the field is pretty straightforward. He disconnected both ends of the field circuit, jury rigged a patch in place to reverse them and got it to run "backwards". Also, the brushes appear to be set vertically, so they shouldn't pose a problem running opposite to the original direction of the commutator. (I'd read that some brushes are set on an angle, and that would pose a problem for reversing rotation.)
FYI for anyone interested in this, here's a
link from the EV archive about 4- vs 2-terminal series motors that tipped me off to the potential roblem we were facing.
So we just have to make up a pair of "jumper" wires of the proper gauge to mod the motor to run in the direction we need it to.
Also fortunately, removing the e-motor from the car is not a huge job: maybe 10 minutes for 2 people.
Much easier than the ICE removal