niky: I think you're on to something there.
My only "HOLY CRAP THAT'S TERRIBLE!" moment with this car happened when driving over a stretch of broken pavement at ~80 km/h. (Nothing terrible, mind you. A main secondary highway used by thousands of cars a day.)
It set up a wicked vibration in the car's chassis/body (felt more like the body to me) -- some kind of brief harmonic phenomenon that I've never experienced in any other car. I thought my kidneys were going to come out my nose. For a moment, it literally made it difficult to talk.
If removing those braces meant more of that, I'd leave 'em in.
it would still work for many common things like skis with the braces in place
Yes, and you might actually be able to doctor/modify the existing folding rear arm rest to accomplish this without taking out the seat back.