Originally Posted by sendler
Every little bit helps shift the paradigm.
But it's the early adopter problem, kinda like my problem with CFL lights. I put them in just about every socket in my house, starting back in the mid-90s when they were $15 or so each. Now I'd prefer the even more efficient LEDs (and have them for a few places like the kitchen, where the improved daylight light quality really helps), but the darn CFLs just won't burn out, and it'd be a waste to replace them...
Same with the Insight: bought it back about '03 (way ahead of the curve, there :-)) and it just keeps on running. Sure, if I had some 20-30 mpg guzzler, it might make sense to replace it with a new(ish!) EV, but to spend that much money for a marginal improvement? (Not to mention the range limitations.)