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Old 11-01-2016, 01:25 PM   #2865 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Well here goes nothing...

I removed those wires and result

AC controller firmware, ver. 1.0
High pedal lockout fault. Ignore this for now. It's not really a fault. haha.
Throttle out of range! Is it unplugged?

When i try to send ? nothing happens. i will try to connect throttle too.

DOH! I tried to send '?' but i just cant. I guess my keyboard is not set correctly. Wouldnt it be good to use other set of caracters that are generaly used. Not a apostrophe! Maybe quotation "?" ?
Could i correct this in code UART.C without consequences?

Well i just had some settings wrong. Basicaly you have to set "hardware flow control" to "none". I got a set of orders now, but i still dont know how to setup throttle...

Well i figured how to copy paste orders to realterm and i set me a .txt file and every parameter written. So i just pasted to interface and enter. It is now set and i just have to assemble inverter.


Last edited by arber333; 11-04-2016 at 04:07 PM..
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