The bit about the power steering components has a bit of room for interpretation. As written it requires that any installed power steering components have to be in good order, so that rules out the old looping-the-lines trick. It doesn't say that you have to have it.
Obviously you guys in Australia know your road nannies better than I do so feel free to ignore me. But if a concurrent Starlet was available in Oz without PS, doesn't that open the door to removing it from yours? Just install the same hardware that would be on a non-PS Starlet and enjoy the reduced engine load. It wouldn't be stock to your car but it would be a stock application.
(reads the rest of the earlier posts)
Sorry, never mind. But I believe there are significant gains to be made there, the engine isn't especially powerful so whatever load you take off it is going to be good for you.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.