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Old 11-04-2016, 01:29 PM   #2870 (permalink)
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encoder-ticks is one of the variables you can set, so it's not a big deal no matter what you pick. I think 256 ticks is plenty. That would turn into 1024 ticks per revolution after the dspic got a hold of it. And with an open collector, wouldn't it take a little time to get pulled up or down? I would err on the side of fewer ticks. I would go with 256 or 512 rather than 1024 or 2048. I'm just thinking about at 10,000 RPM. That's a lot of dang ticks. haha. That's more ticks than my old dog had. Hmm... pwm output based on RPM? I don't think that would be very hard under certain constraints (if it was in the 10KHZ loop). Just as an example, if the RPM was 1Hz, it could be a duty of 10/10000, and 100Hz would be 10000/10000 duty, or whatever. Then, it's just a matter of toggling the port. It's always 5-10 times harder than you would think, but I think this time it would only be 2 times harder. haha
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 11-04-2016 at 01:40 PM..
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