Most expensive motor oil I've ever bought:
It's worth just shy of 2 oil changes though, so not too bad. How did I justify this, other than just wanting to play with something new?
In Vermont, we get winters that may never rise above 0F (~-20c) for over a month, with the worst days dropping as low as -30-40F (-35-40c). At these temperatures, even something like 0w20 is very viscous.
Viscosity at 100c / 40c:
Mobile One 0w20 - 8.7 / 44.8
Ravenol 0w16 - 7.2 / 38.4
Honda Green Oil - 8.2 / 32.1
Honda NEXT oil - 5.1 / 20.8 (Blackstone Analysis)
Honda's oils don't have official SAE numbers, but Green Oil would probably be something like -10w20 (similar to 0w20 when warm but much better characteristics when below operating temperature), while NEXT is more like -30w7.5. Green oil would almost certainly be safe to run in any engine that takes 0w20. I'm slightly concerned by how thin NEXT is, but Honda has approved this oil for use in my car and I'll do several oil analyses over the life of the oil to look for any unusual wear, and if I'm going to do this, I might as well go all out. And anyway, engines are cheap.