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Old 11-21-2016, 02:10 PM   #200 (permalink)
Two weels Zero sparkplugs
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zackary View Post
If there were CHAdeMO chargers in the area that would make EV life easy for those longer trips. But even more level 2 chargers would make all electric much easier to do. If I could get a battery big enough and cheap enough then I wouldn't need to rent a car or make a pusher/generator trailer. I could put a Brusa charger and a J1772 outlet (inlet?) with the battery on a trailer and go!
That's the disadvantage of being an early adapter in the EV world, you have a relatively small battery compared to the new generation of EV's that about to be released(On the other hand think of the humongous amount of fuel you already saved.) and charging stations aren't everywhere. Yet.

With the introduction of the Bolt and other cars demand for charging will rise and so will the amount of stations.

Now just don't sit back and watch the stations appear, you gotta work for it. Have to plant those seeds in peoples heads. If I'd take a look at Plugshare in Gunnison there are plenty of prime spots for at least L2 stations, like the Holiday Inn, all the schools, the shopping centre/Walmart.
Get out there and spread the world, just mention it if you visit those places that you'd were more eager to drop in their establishment if you could charge there.

Originally Posted by Isaac Zackary View Post
I had once thought of using a Honda PCX150 as a pusher. I suppose 10hp would be better than nothing.

But what if instead I put a boat tail, wheel skirts and such on it and dropped the Cd from 31 to 17-19, along with actual low rolling resistance tires?
Now were talking, aerodynamics are where you can squeeze some serious extra kilometres out of your range!
Start with the low hanging fruit, for example is all your lightning LED already? If your tires still good already start researching for the best replacement and drop some dank mooneyes on those rims:

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