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Old 11-23-2016, 12:31 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
I agree. Same thing with oil, every drop is going to come out at some point, by hook, crook, or all out war. I wonder if at some point we don't reduce usage so far that it actually matches how fast the earth produces it as nobody knows 100% the process. I also wonder what if we aren't even close to running out?
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
2005? Stop living in the past, man!

Here's a 2011 article from the same source:

"Almost all geochemists believe petroleum results from a few million years of decay of once-living organisms.

'We can tell that by looking at biomarkers in the oils,' Kenneth Peters, an organic geochemist at Stanford University, told Life's Little Mysteries. 'Molecules in oil have the same backbone structures that we find in living organisms .'"

But, on a more serious note: we know how oil forms, we know under what conditions organic material will turn into petroleum vs natural gas and how long this takes, we know why and how it will form in reservoirs vs shale, we know how and why it appears where it does, and we know where to look for it. And, for geologists, all of this is so basic you cover it in a typical undergrad earth sciences course. So, it's not really fair to say that nobody knows 100% the process and act like it's this great mystery, because we do know 99% the process.
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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