Originally Posted by Erasmo
Hmm I'm holding off moondisks for the moment, I live in an area that has gusty storms. Even on my XJ600 with top case I sometimes have to struggle to stay in my lane.
My current wheel covers have a noticeable effect but have been ok (the rear makes the bike more stable, really, and then the front takes some of that benefit away). I think the Moon discs would fair better by being a bit less flat.
Originally Posted by Erasmo
I'm working on a non-dirt front fender for the DS now, I'll post some stuff when I got results.
Looking forward to it. Especially if the result is reproducible.
Originally Posted by Erasmo
Those bags do look good as a temporally solution.
They're the best I've been able to get my hands on. They are scuffed quite a bit on one side now from a get-off at 5mph (bumped into a car that braked hard right when I was distracted). I'm hoping to dig up something narrower or more streamlined for cheap, or to semi-destructively modify the cases to
enclose the mounting plate (holes with grommets made where the mounting struts join) and use the inner waterproof liner bag primarily.
Originally Posted by Erasmo
Could be some side winds I guess.. That's on of the main reasons for me not to go dustbin.
I'm hoping that the DBL2 openings allow enough crossflow to mitigate the risk there. The 2015+ DS suspension is tall enough that crosswind effects are easier to deal with up to a point.
Originally Posted by Erasmo
Current to list:
- Work on the new front fender
- Find a sealed led headlight that is slightly below 7 inch(the hole in my fairing is a 16,4x16cm oval)
- Find some led indicators for the front side
- Drop stuff at shop
- Wait
- Enjoy more comfort and hopefully a better range.
If you can get the shop to provide a parts list and good description of how they did the work, I'd appreciate it! One-off efforts are fine but I feel like making sure efforts are documented to grow our collective knowledge and so each successive effort can start more quickly and hopefully scale.