Originally Posted by LittleBlackDuck
And that is why there is so much smog! All these Insight punters need to let go and realise that saving 20 drops of fuel is not worth killing the atmosphere.
Nice exaggeration,
the insight was one of the lowest polluters during its production run, beats every pickup made before 2007 and all cars 2000 and older.
Grams of NOx per mile is where we need to be concerned in big cities.
Next SMOG cannot form due to NOx alone, period, can't happen.
SMOG is the combination of particulate, VOC, CO, water and NOx in the atmosphere, the insight had one of the lower particulate and lowest CO emissions of any car during the time.
Add to this that, the drilling, transport and refining of oil into gas emits thousands of times more pollution than burning that same gallon of fuel.
Greenwashing our cars so some other guys kids can get exposed to high levels of VOC near the refinery is intellectually bankrupt.
Further that, getting the oil releases huge amounts of lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium into the environment.
The petroleum industry also looses 5% (roughly, depending on the year) of all oil as spoilage which could be lost in the wrong ground level, spilled, or lost as VOC, that's hundreds of thousands of PPM,
yet we worry only about a handfull of PPM of NOx coming out of the car?
The only way to ACTUALLY reduce pollution is to use less fuel or focus on cleaning up drilling, transport and refinery practices. (good luck with that)