Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Since I don't hide anything or have secret technology I will tell you precisely how I did it.
Wide band oxygen sensor meter so I could run a real lean tune around 16.5:1 air/fuel. Replaced the quadrajet with a edelbrock 650 only and edelbrock air gap intake manifold. Because I know how to tune and have to tuning kit for the edelbrock carb. Thermostadic intake and EOC.
Timing curve was stock profile, advaced 4 degrees beyond the factory recommend base advance.
I have posts going into great detail on all these mods.
Was getting 12 to 13 in town and as high as 16 to 18 on the highway.
New suburbans with much smaller 6L engines, OD transmissions and aerodynamics don't even do that well.
I figured I would be lucky to get double digits in town and 12 to no more than 14 on the highway.
Interesting. I was able to tune both the Quadajet and the old AFB (what Edelbrock calls a Performer) decades ago, and had a AFB Tunering kit..
I felt the Quad with its SMALLER primaries had a bigger chance for higher MPG and tried tuning it for lean burning by smaller main jets and three stage metering rods.
Sadly I did not have a A/F ratio meter so could not see what I was doing.
In timing do you mean just the timing curve as in base timing without advance or the advance timing its self or cam timing??
Not sure what you mean with Thermostadic intake and EOC. Please explain.
As for newer cars and trucks, it is funny how MPG is going down on these...
I think it is on purpose.