Nice rig. Yours isn't the worst mileage ride on these pages, not by a long way. There's one guy trying to wrestle a 1980s RV into the middle teens, for instance. But that's immaterial - it's not about the numbers the other guy has, it's about the numbers you have, and what you can achieve.
The tent looks like it would be a pain to remove/reinstall all the time. Perhaps consider an A-B-A test to determine whether there's any advantage to be had by closing in the sides? Or testing whether it would be good to keep the tent sitting directly atop the bed most of the time, and only elevate it for use.
That big bumper looks pretty darned sturdy...almost like you could bolt things to it if you wanted to, like a winch...or an air dam? Maybe you could consider fabbing up a fascia that was super easy to remove, like the Cherokee guys do. Air control when you're on the road, clearance when you're going to go wheeling.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.