The W2A coolers work exceptionally well if the turbo is only being used sporadically..I had one on a 13B rotary, and it ran exceptionally cool..however, the duty cycle on a turbo on a road based car, is completely different to a turbo on a diesel truck...the truck turbo basically pumps continually at highway speeds, meaning in a short period the water reservoir will be overwhelmed, and the supplemental radiator to cool it with will not keep up with duty cycles generally higher than around 60%..
They also introduce a lot of complexity, which is something I am trying to stay away from..
Long distance haulage is a different ball game to standard road vehicles, in that reliability is the NUMBER 1 requirement...fuel economy plays a distant second, and performance a very distant 3rd..
In Australia, we have no need for reducing warm up times...think Arizona / Texas weather only...