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Old 01-19-2017, 03:33 PM   #9 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Make sure if you do use a dessicant dehumidifier that it's secure and the stuff inside can't leak. Those crystals have been known to kill people if they're ingested accidentally and it's not a nice way to go apparently. It just takes one curious kid..
It sounds like there might be a faulty seal somewhere (look for dampness on seals or carpets or an area where the seal looks crushed) or a blocked drainway..
Talking of water my dads bosses Merc was hilarious, brand new convertible gets delivered, it rains - the water in the trunk is a foot deep! Turns out they'd put the bootlid/convertible top rubber seal on backwards - what should have kept water out channelled it in perfectly. Trouble was there was no visible difference between right way & wrong way. Tony was distinctly unamused - as he had a right to be on a £60k plus car.
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