Originally Posted by Xist
You use a block heater in Texas?
Engine runs at about 187F. Oil is above 200F.
A block heater isn't about being able to start so much as it is about reducing wear at startup. The shorter the time to op temp, the better. Same with synthetic oil changed at factory interval. If the goal is longest life as well as reduced fuel burn, then year round use pays for itself.
On a 45F day a little rice burner is almost warned by the end of the block. Without a load on it (and without a grill block or below 40F) a pickup diesel may not ever warm up on a day of errand running.
What wastes fuel on a per mile basis is a double penalty on a medium duty diesel. It isn't at all optimal for solo passenger errand running. Without a 10k trailer on the back, it's outside design parameters.