Thanks for the info, lots of neat stuff. I agree with the assessment that we're rapidly approaching the end of the ICE in most vehicles, but I imagine it will continue to live on in large and heavy applications, such as trucking, at least for a time.
Me going off on a tangent, but I'd love to see trains come back, as they are (or can be) a much more highly efficient means of moving things. The problem with trains (as I see it) is that they can't reach everywhere, and people want a car when they get to their destination. However as self-driving cars become more mainstream we're likely to see personal ownership gradually wane, especially in cities. People can catch cheap mass transit (bus, train) to a location, then get picked up by an inexpensive self-driving car for local transport. Since cars won't need to travel long distances, the limitations of batteries will become largely irrelevant. At that point we can start tearing up, or at least downsizing our network of roads...