Originally Posted by almightybmw
oh snap. Ludicrous speed engage!
Hilarious! But they really used a lot of fuel on the hyperjets
I've always liked dark cars and have paid the price for it.
As far a paint weight, I wonder how much the paint on a car weighs? Too bad it serves as rust protection.
In the never ending quest for FE, American Airlines is considering the removal of even more paint to save weight (I think all that's left is the stripe, logo and tail). On the largest aircraft, that's nearly a 300 lb. difference in just paint to lug around. Maybe we all should get a DeLorean...
In reality, I vote for a white car in the summer, and black top surfaces for Winter (hood, roof, trunk/hatch). Not sure how you would do this. Easiest would be to have 2 hoods...