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Old 02-09-2017, 01:22 AM   #308 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Originally Posted by racprops View Post
The 64,000 dollar question is what is your costs, after all gas in around $2.00 per now.
Very good question!!!

My cost to me is $0.00. My customers give me the recycled paint solvent for free. What happens is they can only use so much, do to it is used only as a cleaner to clean their spray guns. They get to a point of they have to much solvent on hand and have to have it hauled away as hazardous waste. This can cost them hundreds of dollars. The crazy thing is when they do have it hauled away is what do they do with this solvent? I found out where I live it is incinerated in a burning process. They just burn it and no electricity is generated.

Sorry to jack your thread. I find what you are doing is very interesting. I will have some more info I think you find interesting based on my findings of different fuels and how they reacted to heat and vaporization.
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