Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Unfortunately gas engines don't get the best efficiency with cold air.
On paper it might look like cold air is more efficient in a gasoline engine. It is if you want to make more power cold air is better. If you want efficiency warmer air is better.
There have been a member or 2 on here that tested warn up times with a cold air intake versus warmed air intske and it cut warm up times by a 2 or 3 minutes.
I understand the concept and have also seen others success with warm air intake, but I never liked the power drop so I put a cold air on my s10.(I got it off eBay for $35👍👍
After I did I got a 3mpg improvement and no longer have to downshift when going up steep hills in my area, so I guess it depends on your situation and location?!? I'd also like to see about getting a torqued cam and jumping the compression ratio to around 14.5-1 at which point I'd run e100 only!!(I've seen many people get to around 14.5 compression ratio and get as much as 25% improvement on ethanol! Though that's generally all you can use at that compression ratio!!)