Originally Posted by oil pan 4
What does a mostly under ground pipe line hurt?
The useful idiots in Colorado who think almost exactly like sheeple in california blocked a pipe line that was going to be used to transport liquified CO2 from the high CO2 bearing natural gas wells in CO and send it to west Texas and eastern NM to be injected underground as part of carbon capture and sequestration.
Now the CO2 is just vented to atmosphere. Everybody loses, snowy winters will soon become a thing of the past and events like katrina will soon become a regular occurrence. Just because it was an "evil pipe line".
I thought they would want to loot and burn Denver if the pipe line didn't get approved, WTF.
I guess as soon as they hear "pipe line" their brains shut off and they go into kill mode.
I blame congenital liberal ignorance.
Shhhh... pipelines leak, donchaknow?