Originally Posted by freebeard
I can see how full throttle in a motionless vehicle might lead to cooling problems.
The old Internationals and 1940s Buicks had side opening hoods that had a single handle and two combination latch/hinges. They open from either side or lift off.
An aluminum tube frame covered with boat wrap would be as light as the steel hood.
My Aero Tonto came in at 21 lbs for frame and skin. 35lbs v1.2 with 1/2"wight fome and some frame mods ,1.25 years on this covering. CG is center and 3'back from hinges ,so it balances across my shoulders for 1 man install with relative ease. I'm thinking of wsing fiberglass rods and Al cupplers, with the shrinking skin the birdcage fraime will be pre loaded and very ridged. 5-10lbs with Oratex Aircraft Fabric gussing. It can handle the heat of an airplane in flight and being in the hottest places in the world, it should handle your welder with ease in Death Valley running at max amps in August with enough air flow to keep the machine happy. The 10-12mill boat/ equipment shrink wrap is fire retardant . I did have the 12mill relax when in Las Vegas @117°F . As soon as I started driving it was back to tight as a drum...
1st gen cummins 91.5 dodge d250 ,HX35W/12/6 QSV
ehxsost manafulld wrap, Aero Tonto
best tank: distance 649gps mi 24.04 mpg 27.011usg
Best mpg : 31.32mpg 100mi 3.193 USG 5/2/20

'83 GMC S-15 Jimmy 2door 2wd O/D auto 3.73R&P
'79 Chevy K20 4X4 350ci 400hp msd custom th400 /np205. 7.5-new 14mpg modded befor modding was a thing
87' Hyundai Excel
83 ranger w/87 2.9 L FI2wd auto 18mpg on the floor
04 Mitsubishi Gallant 2.4L auto 26mpg
06 Subaru Forrester XT(WRX PACKAGE) MT AWD Turbocharged 18 plying dirty best of 26mpg@70mph
95Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 14-18mpg
04 Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 16-22mpg