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Old 03-31-2017, 02:40 PM   #48 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by pete c View Post
Americans have always wanted station wagons, for good reason. They are amazingly practical vehicles.
A station wagon usually makes more sense than the equivalent sedan. It's really quite hard to understand why compact station wagons were nearly extinct instead of compact sedans.

Most people don't give a damn what you drive. Those that do, aren't worth impressing.
Sometimes I really can't figure out who's more worthless, if it's the one trying to show off or the ones they try to impress.

I do see a purpose for a traditional SUV. If you regularly tow heavy loads along with 4 people and a german shepard, they make sense. Otherwise, they don't.
I got to agree with you at this point, but a van still makes more sense than a traditional SUV fitted with a similar driveline.
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