Originally Posted by ME_Andy
I'm happy for you! And slightly jealous
Thank you Me Andy! Be jealous!
Originally Posted by cowmeat
Not with that IMA disabled you won't. The car will still get pretty amazing mpg without the IMA or lean burn, but it's a dog without it.
I found that out today leaving a stop light that ended early and left me scrambling due to cars coming up on me at 45-50 mph!
How much mpg do you think I'm sacrificing by not having lean burn? Separately, IMA?
Amazing mpg is right! With no mods other than DBFCD (Drive By FCD), folded in mirrors and high tire pressure, I got 78.4 mpg over 81.5 miles up to Fort Leonard Wood! I drove faster coming back and managed 73.5. Combined for 75.95 mpg over 163 miles