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Old 04-06-2017, 08:32 PM   #16 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
It's actually bizarre how quickly and smoothly a new direct injected Mercedes restarts. It literally starts on the first piston coming over. And with no engagement or disengagement noise.
I noticed it not just in the newer Mercedes, but also in Audi. I just didn't had a chance to see it in any car fitted with a manual transmission.

Once we finally go with a BLDC motor on the flywheel like the Insight had, there will be no moving parts and we can eliminate the starter and the alternator and have some mild hybrid.
Even a full-hybrid setup could rely on a "pancake" motor integrated to the flywheel, and also eliminate either a conventional clutch or a torque converter. IIRC the hybrid versions of some BMW cars and Hino trucks rely on a similar layout.

There are some companies persuing a belt drive high voltage starter/ charger.
IIRC Toyota had already tried it in the first hybrid version of the Crown, even though it had already developed the HSD system. It may seem like a cheap makeshift, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea at all as it might be easier to apply to lower-end econoboxes and to increase the familiarity of independent auto repairers with hybrids and to promote awareness about this technology.
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