I knew before I bought this turd-vertible that the floor on the driver's side was ventilated. I wasn't sure about the passenger side. Yesterday I pulled the seats and carpets to see how bad it really is...
Driver's side

Above: of course, it's worse than it looked from underneath, but no big surprises.
It'll look much worse than this once I've ground back the rust to good metal!
Passenger side
I kept finding flecks of rust ON the carpet behind the passenger seat, and now I know why:
The seat cushion has been wet enough, frequently enough, that the steel stamping on the bottom started rusting away.
The floor itself is in much better shape than the driver's side, though:
The most alarming sight was around this kick panel (the ECU lives behind it). It's not as bad as it looks though: that's an aluminum stamping, and there's some good galvanic corrosion going on there:
In the floor itself there are a few small-ish holes:
I did pull the kick panel and the ECU, and behind there it's actually fine.
So I need to pencil in some quality time with my grinder & welder.