Originally Posted by pete c
One more question. How far can you coast on that hill in Glastonbury on 2? I would think just about into east hartford if you had a little extra ballast on board. I was driving a buddy's old chevy pickup when it ran out of gas there and I was able to coast into the gas station just off the exit after that hill. It was a long slow coast though.
Today I tested that coast for you, Pete.
Just past the crest of the hill, I got it up to 72 mph and put it in a coast. There was only light traffic there so I could coast without braking. I coasted 1.6 miles till the speed dropped to about 57--58 mph.
There's a long and gentle upgrade as you approach Exit 8, Hebron Ave in Glastonbury. It's a half mile long, and then some. I don't see any car coasting that whole stretch without losing significant speed. Then, the exit ramp towards the gas station is uphill.