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Old 04-20-2017, 10:14 AM   #247 (permalink)
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I started messing around with monitoring some things on the Insight this morning. I just threw a few charts up on torque and drove to work. Of course today it ran really well and I didn't get any hesitation, pulsing, or herky jerky at all... Figures haha.

But, I did get this while cruising at 45 mph, at about 100 mpg. It (the timing blip) happened, but was virtually unnoticeable. It also seems a bit odd that the short term fuel trim is all over the place, but then again I haven't measured that on any other car to know that it is or isn't normal.

I've since added a few more graphs to the page like RPM and load and a MAP signal that will actually work. We'll see how it does on the way home and if that will shed anymore light on it. I am using torque lite (free version). It didn't have any gauge to measure knock detection. I'm wondering if that is the spike I'm seeing on the ignition advance? Does anyone know if torque pro (or any other app) will measure the knock sensor? There has to be one out there.
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