So I've cycled the "A pack" 4 times since putting it in the car yesterday, and it seems to be waking up:
cycle 1 = 12.7 km before running out of steam;
cycle 2 = 21.8 km of "hard" non-stop high speed (50-60 km/h) driving @ between 100-150 amps; limped up the last hill feathering in 1st gear to keep weakest batt above 5.25v
cycle 3 = 21.8 km of hard-core suburban hyperwatting (low amp <70A accel; DWB); same exact distance of previous run, but had lots of juice left on last hill - full throttle in 1st gear & no batts in danger of falling below 5.25v.
cycle 4 = 25.1 km - now that's more like it!! This is after swapping out two of the weakest batts for the 2 best batts from the B pack (which turned out to be the 2 strongest batteries period). Moderately hyperwatted. Lots of snot left at the last hill - went up in 2nd gear floored, with all batts > 5.25v.
My best "B pack" distance was 19.4 km. Average range over the last 12 B pack cycles was 14.8 km.
I'm going to swap a couple more batteries tomorrow. I think the A+ pack is going to have a solid 20-25 km range, 30 in a pinch.