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Old 04-25-2017, 09:49 AM   #16 (permalink)
Lean Burn Cruiser!
BabyDiesel's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Johnston County, NC
Posts: 936

Big Blazin' - '88 Chevrolet K5 Blazer Silverado
90 day: 14.97 mpg (US)

Chili - '00 Honda Insight
Gen-1 Insights
Team Honda
House of Tudor
Team Streamliner
90 day: 72.29 mpg (US)
Thanks: 840
Thanked 491 Times in 310 Posts
Pic dump!

This is some kind of charger the PO hooked up to the battery pack. I can't recall what the name of it is.

Aero mod #1 - Removed rear wiper

Aero mod #2 - Removed POS antenna

Went to Springfield and picked up some MT fluid for a peace-of-mind change.

Gotta love working at an oil shop that lets you use their bay

Pic of the fill and drain plugs on the Insight's manual transmission

The fluid change was an easy job. I worked at it slow and was done in 30 minutes. The old fluid did not look bad coming out, but when compared to the new fluid, it was more opaque. My guess is the additives in the oil had worn out before the actual base oils, but this is an assumption, not scientific by any means. No metal flakes or sludge came out!

The transmission loved the new oil. It definitely shifts smoother into all gears. The grind going into second has vastly improved. I do know the synchros are worn, but this gives me confidence that the wear is minimal.

Remember, thank a fellow EM'er for a helpful post!!!
I hypermile better in my cowboy boots

Past threads:
ZX2 modding thread
Ecomodder's Top 10: How they do it!
ZX2 Aerodynamics: Shooting for 0.15 Cd
ZX2 coast-down testing for Cd & Crr

Last edited by BabyDiesel; 04-26-2017 at 08:05 AM..
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