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Old 05-03-2017, 01:40 AM   #119 (permalink)
Primer is still paint!
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I often wonder why the car manufacturers offer so many great cars in other countries, when obviously if they sell in those countries, they would sell here. I mean who truly wants a Yugo! But a Corcel, that has a usability that small businesses would grab up for delivery's, etc.

I don't forward all the pic's that I get, but these were shared today:

This one is Russian. A design group draws them, then some are made into real cars, at least as far as I understand as I don't speak Russian. It was actually made, but I resized the image so it looks choppy. I believe they are still making the front fenders for a 1930's look.
Solifague Design

I know its not a Vdub, but I threw this one in for Freebeard!

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