I hate that I've not been able to update this thread as often as I would like. I'm having a blast with the Insight! It is by far the vehicle I've had the most fun driving ever! It's 67 horsepower is proving itself
I recently encountered an overheating problem in the Insight. Every so often, the car would run around 224-230* constantly on the highway. I wasn't complaining because my fuel economy was higher at these temps (my only 80+ mpg highway trip was at these temps). But coming back from Springfield, ironically, to get a new thermostat, gasket and spark plugs, My temps shot up to 270*!

I limped it back home and immediately got it into my workplace's bay to work on it. After consulting Insight Central for
proper procedure and going to YouTube (
for an awesome annotated video, my system had A LOT of air in it. It was idling and the coolant temps were 230! after purging the system and finding the possible culprit (the overflow tank was missing the hose going down into the container, thus drawing air instead of coolant. This is my educated assumption), the car idled at 172* and now runs at 198-202* constantly while cruising. Which is a lil high, but I don't have lean burn. So I expect excess heat over an Insight with Lean Burn.
Here is Ecky's procedure on his thread, an excellent write up!