Thread: gsx r125
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Old 05-29-2017, 01:01 AM   #6 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
most other countires have a tiered licensing system where all young riders are required to start out on a 125cc before they are allowed to move up to an A2 46hp bike
IIRC some countries allow holders of a car license to ride a 125cc motorcycle, mostly in Europe. AFAIK the displacement restriction was either changed or abolished in Europe, even though in Australia there is a 660cc limit and also tied to another restriction based on the power-to-weight ratio. But it still seems more likely catering to Southeast Asian markets where low-displacement "racing replicas" became popular such as Thailand, Indonesia and India, and probably some African and Latin American countries (probably excluding Brazil where it would be perceived as too expensive compared to the local 125 to 160cc offerings from Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki, making something in the 250 to 300cc class sound more cost-effective).
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