Fact-checking Donald Trump's statement withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement | PolitiFact
If you actually read the language of the Climate Accord that each country agreed to, it has some contradictions and loosely worded sections that don't really add up such as India stating that they will cut carbon to 33% of 2005 levels by 2030 but also double coal production between 2015 and 2020. There is also language stating that any reductions would be dependant on not impeding the efforts to erradicate poverty in the country and that coal is the only viable option.
So, did India really stand any chance of even coming close to a 33% reduction over 13 years? 13 years? Really? There are 260 Million people in India that don't even have any electrcal service. Yet. That's like a whole country. I doubt they will realistically have ANY reduction in that short time frame.
So the point is, The Climate Accord was a Grand Idea. But contained some pie in the sky, kumbaya unattainable goals by major players.