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Old 06-26-2017, 08:39 PM   #186 (permalink)
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Pope Pious the Prius - '13 Toyota Prius Two
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Actually, I'll need some sort of graphic for the tail--in Chicago this weekend, passersby seemed very interested in the skirts, and I imagine the tail will generate even more attention.

In other news, the tail project has officially begun! This morning I ordered a Torklift Ecohitch, the only hitch available for the Prius that doesn't have a giant bar hanging below the diffuser panel (the crossbar mounts above the panel, leaving only the hitch itself exposed), and a Stowaway cargo carrier frame, on which I'll build the tail out of rigid foam and fiberglass.

Also, I can now confirm that the wheel skirts are good up to at least 80 mph, no flapping or rubbing.

UIUC Aerospace Engineering

Last edited by Vman455; 07-07-2017 at 11:26 PM..
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